ASJM students are working hard exploring Google Sheets. Google Sheets is a unique program used in business as well as in high school and college math and science courses.
In Kindergarten and 1st grade, we are working on signing into Google with our emails and opening and saving documents ourselves. In the 2 nd through 4th grades, we introduce Google Sheets by making a chart about our classmates favorite color, animal, subject, and place to travel. This allows students to explore the formatting, how the drop-down tab works, and how to expand tabs. This project also allows us to learn fun facts about our classmates and teacher.
Our Middle school is working on teamwork, entrepreneurship, and managing budgets. Grades 5-8 are working with partners to develop a business idea, products to sell, the cost to make the product, the price to sell the product, and the amount of profit for each product. This helps them expand their creativity, problem-solving, and all the turning parts needed to buy and sell a product. With the information the students gather, they place them into a Google Sheet to learn how to use the mathematical side of Google Sheets under the Sigma key to help total the cost to make the product and subtract to find the overall profit. Through the use of drop-down tabs they learn how to format items to make a chart that they can present with Google Sheets.
-Ariel Baham, Technology Teacher