Dear Families,
April showers have brought the May flowers! It’s so pretty out there, isn’t it?
ASJM had our yearly crowning of the Blessed Mother Mary on May 1st . What a lovely
celebration that was. The students in Second grade are getting ready for yet another
celebration. They have been busy preparing for the sacrament of The Holy Eucharist.
They will be receiving their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 20 at 10:00 Mass.
All Second graders are invited to wear their First Communion outfits to school on
Thursday, May 25, as that will be the first time they receive Communion at school Mass.
On behalf of my entire class, I’d like to thank Sr. Antoinette Cedrone for all of her help,
support, and guidance in preparing the children for their special day.
Please say an extra prayer for them as they receive this most holy sacrament.
- Mrs. DeMarco, 2 nd Grade Teacher
Second Grade News!
May 4, 2023