“A house (or school) without music, is like a body without a soul.” (St. John Bosco)

The PreK students through 4th grade share the joy of music at the Academy of St. James school through a faith-based and musical foundation in their music classes.  We begin our class with a prayer song or hymn to practice for our weekly school Mass.  If our younger students know it well, they really contribute to the singing at Mass which is a great way to participate. We also show our love for our Blessed Mother by singing a song to her, who leads us always to Her Son.  Afterwards, we sing our Do, Re, Mi’s sometimes to the classic song of “Do a Deer”.  Movement is also a vital expression which channels their energy and music skills. Sometimes this includes moving to the steady beat, or playing rhythm instruments or rhythm sticks to the music.  Our 3rd and 4th grade classes are learning to read music by playing recorders.  This takes perseverance and practice to read and play the notes. This is a great skill which I hope some of the students will continue as they grow. Singing folk, patriotic and fun songs are always part of every class.  We are all grateful for the opportunity to share and grow with music in our school.

Sr. Mary Ann Caspary, FMA

Music, PK – 4th Grade