As we approach the end of the 23-24 school year, a busy time it is. The students are excited to
begin their summer vacation.
Spanish is given to grades K-8 th . My goal is to teach them correct grammar, Introduce them to
comprehension readings and how to translate. A lot of my students do speak Spanish, but do not
have the knowledge of grammar. We start with simple basics: days of the week, months of the
year, colors, numbers and so much more.
I use videos, games and worksheets. Simple games teach the students and they do not even
realize they’re learning.
I tell all the students that knowing Spanish is very important and will give them more choices
later on in life.
Lastly, we want to wish the 8th graders much luck in their new adventure of High School.
- Maria Ricca, K – 8 th grade Spanish