My name is Mr. Strapp and I’m the 6th grade home room teacher at the Academy of St.
James. Music and technology for middle school have been progressing wonderfully. It is my
goal to ensure every student has a strong understanding of the fundamentals of music and to be able to read and write basic rhythms. The students have been learning about how to classify
instruments according to the way that they produce sound. I have shown them various musical
examples to expand their idea of “What is music?” I’m working to develop students' digital
literacy through reflective questions and computer activities in technology class. We have
explored our own relationships with technology both individually and as a society. Students
creatively put together personal slideshow presentations, researched current events, and
practiced writing professional emails. In ELA, students have been developing their writing skills
through comparison essays in which they demonstrate how they relate to characters in the
novel Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief. Sixth graders are enhancing their vocabulary
through weekly spelling tests and vocabulary assignments. In social studies, we have been
studying early humans and putting ourselves in their perspective through class discourse. The
sixth grade is anticipating studying the Huang He region of China and the fifth grade will be
entering the period of the American Revolution. In all my classes, I challenge my students to
think critically about the topics they are learning about by applying it to their own lives and the
world around them as well. Stay healthy and have a Happy New Year!
- Connor Strapp, 6th Grade HR & 5-8 Music and Technology
Sixth Grade News!
January 6, 2022