As we refresh anew for 2022, our students at the Academy of St. James are busy honing, improving and refining their math skills.
Our fifth graders have developed their computation skills and have moved on to learning parts of a circle, measurements and computation of decimals. They are coming a long way.
Meanwhile our sixth graders continue their progress from last year and are now developing skills in probability and area and perimeter of two dimensional figures.
Our seventh and eighth graders are busy with learning introductory algebra in the hopes that
some will be able to skip algebra in their high school freshman year. In addition to algebraic
concepts they have been introduced to the stock market and how to follow stocks on a weekly
basis. Many have developed their abilities to find circumference, and areas of circles as well as
volume of three dimensional figures.
As this Pandemic subsides we are looking forward to having guest speakers in the Spring. If
your profession applies math concepts everyday, we want you ! Construction, Medical, Retail,
Financial fields all would give our students insights to the applications of the math skills they are
learning. Please contact the school so we can discuss an opportunity to share your skills with
our students.
A quick word of that to, Fr. Marc, the parish staff, and you the parishioners for your support
of The Academy of St. James of the Marches. Without you this wonderful school would not be
in existence.
Thank you
Jim Piccolo – Middle School Math Teacher and 5 th grade ELA