Welcome 2022! January is a time for fresh starts and positive change. I love the promise of the New Year and all its new beginnings that exist for our students at the Academy. John Quincy Adams said “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. And yes, the teachers and Mrs. Pappas are leaders each day, guiding the minds and souls of our children. Every day we are role models creating role models.
ASJM’s eighth graders took the test for admissions to Catholic schools (HSPT)
and now look forward to the next step of their education and the challenge and support
they will find in a Catholic high school. This is an exciting, important time in the lives of
our students and their parents.
The eighth grade ELA class was exposed to the short story “The Landlady” by
Roald Dahl. The students found this story to be a great chilling tale of mystery and
suspense. In their assignments, they put their knowledge and creativity into practice by
writing their own suspenseful ending to the story.
My seventh-grade students analyzed an influential American civil rights leader’s
speech. In the “I Have a Dream” speech they appreciated its significance and the
contribution to our society by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Further, the students were
required to create their own “I Have a Dream Too” speech. Their dreams touched upon
homelessness, peace, climate change, education, etc. … This was a very powerful
writing experience.
Thank you to all our ASJM families and parish community who continue to
promote the Academy of Saint James. I wish you and your families the peace, joy, and
blessings of New Year!
- Mrs. Shire, Eighth Grade Teacher