The Eight Grade at the Academy of St. James has been busy since September. Besides the
typical Eighth Grade activities such as preparing and taking mid-term exams, working in the
mentor program, preparing and filing high school applications, they are now beginning plans for
graduations. Many of the St. James Eighth-Grade students have been at the school for nine or
even ten years. These are bittersweet moments for these students.
In class students are nearing the end of reading and discussing the novel, “To Kill A
Mockingbird”, a renowned story about racial prejudice in the 1930’s South. In Science class
students have completed a study of the past, present, and future use of energy and are now
starting a study of sound and the workings of the human ear. In math students are working on
real-life situations using percentages and ratios. They continue to work hard in Spanish, Art,
Music, and Religion class while preparing for the NWEA exams this coming week. Yes, the
Eighth Grade students are busy as the anxiously await this coming June like no other.
- Vincent Russo, 8th Grade Teacher