The Academy of St. James family would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter. We hope you take this time to remember the reason for Easter, spend time with the ones you love, and relax! 🙏🏻 🌷 🐣
ASJM students, faculty, and staff participated in The Stations of the Cross this morning. It was a meaningful way to come together to remember the sacrifices made for us.
Spearheaded by Mrs. Fedakowski, grades Pre-k through grade 2 had the opportunity to sign up for a special Easter Breakfast with their families. They started with mass and moved into the ASJM school hall for a delicious breakfast and pictures with the Easter Bunny. It was a event they won't soon forget!
ASJM students and staff want to wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day! 🍀
Congratulations! ASJM's Student Council was inducted today. The ceremony was run by Mrs. Shire, their moderator. We are looking forward to the students continuing to be role models for our Academy.
Today Dentist Dr. Sperling came to visit Pre-k and Kindergarten! He taught us how to brush and floss and his helper let us all try to brush the dragons teeth! We learned so much about dental health!
Today was EVERYONES favorite day... PAJAMA DAY! Talk about some cozy looking jammies!
Can you tell what today was! Crazy Hat Day!! Take a gander at these awesome hats!
Today was "Wisdom Wednesday" at ASJM! Our 6th - 8th grade friends competed in an academic bowl that had general pop culture, Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, and Religion questions. Some of the younger grades came down to cheer our school family on and some worked on their own wacky wisdom in their classroom!
Today was "Souper" Tuesday at ASJM. In honor of the big football game coming up, students were asked to bring in a can of soup (or any non-perishable item) to donate to those in need! If they sent in an item of food they were able to dress down in their favorite team's jersey or shirt! Let's keep rooting for our favorite team... Team ASJM!!
Today was Marvelous Matching Mates! Look through our multiple posts to see some of our twins, triplets, and more!
Today was Marvelous Matching Mates! Look through our multiple posts to see some of our twins, triplets, and more!
Today was Marvelous Matching Mates! Look through our multiple posts to see some of our twins, triplets, and more!
For our Catholic Schools Week celebrations, Pre-K and their big kid 8th grade buddies designed a banner together. Once the letters were complete, the whole school added in their artistic ideas, and filled in the whole design. We were so thankful to come together, and work together to create something one of a kind! Special thanks to Mrs. G, and Ms. Baham for the supplies.
ASJM 8th Grade Reading Mentors work with students in Grades 1 and 2.
The Third Grade proudly stands in front of their "Solemnity of Mary" writing that they did to display on the Church wall. The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, is a feast day of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrated on January 1.
Do you hear that singing?! Its the ASJM students practicing for their Christmas Pageant is tomorrow! Children should be back at school by 6 p.m. and the doors will open for everyone at 6! Seats are first come first serve. Show starts promptly at 6:30! See you there!
The members of the Student Council thanks all of our families and friends who supported this year’s annual food drive. Through your generosity our dream to help feed those in need became a reality. We wish you a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and joy!
Happy Catholic School's Principal Appreciation Day! Thank you Mrs. Pappas!
Look at some of these awesome costumes that our ASJM students rocked this year! Halloween was a blast at ASJM and we hope the fun continued at home! Boo!